Yto Barrada
Yto Barrada is recognized for her multidisciplinary investigations of cultural phenomena and historical narratives, with a focus on Morocco. Her practice encompasses photography, film, sculpture, painting, printmaking, and publishing. Engaging with the performativity of archival practices and public interventions, and often comprised of both original work and found objects, Barrada’s installations reinterpret social relationships, uncover subaltern histories, and reveal the prevalence of fiction in institutionalized narratives. Her work has been the subject of over twenty monographic exhibitions, and has featured in over 150 group exhibitions and biennials throughout Europe, North Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and North America. Interested in developing a platform for cross-cultural dialogue and exchange, Barrada co-founded the Cinématheque de Tanger in 2006, She is a recipient of numerous awards and honours, most recently including the 2019 Roy R. Neubeger Prize, Neuberger Museum of Art, and she was shortlisted for the Fondation Prince Pierre de Monaco’s 47th edition of its Prix International d’Art Contemporain.