In astrophysics, "perturbation" is used to refer to the complex motion of a massive body subjected to forces other than the gravitational attraction of a single other body. The additional forces can include a third (or fourth, fifth, etc.) external body, internal resistance, or the off-center attraction of an oblate or otherwise misshapen body. Keeping in mind this definition, both for its literal meaning and as a metaphor will be helpful in grasping the characters’ relations to the macro events described in the upcoming pages.
—Rouzbeh Akhbari
A serpentine hallucination taking place across three parallel timelines, Perturbation: A Speculative History of Future(s) Past connects the intertwined geopolitics of the Strait of Hormuz to vastly distant geographies. With stories told from multiple viewpoints, Perturbation roots the geopolitics of the Hormuz Region in individual experiences of law, citizenship, emigration, colonialism, culture, and history.
Watch and listen to Perturbation below.