This sculptural series consists of five glass cups, each filled with pollutants and toxic materials found in substances that we use in our everyday lives. They constitute recipes of sorts, of mental and inflammatory disease, like candy, antibiotics, fungicides, petroleum-based food dyes, fracking wastewater, flame retardants, lipstick, and silica dust. In creating this work, Ane Graff examines daily individual practices linked to consumerism that shape mental distress, and that, together with modern developments leading to environmental changes result in epigenetic changes.
Within the context of GUT_BRAIN 1 that considers the origins and symptoms of injurious forms of interdependency, The Goblets positions the individual body as contained within a larger system. In this context, an array of known and unknown materials and structures meet, exerting a negative impact on both individual and collective well-being. The goblets themselves embody the links between human mental and inflammatory illness, industrialization, extractivism, consumption, and climate change. Of the work, Graff asserts, “Realising both the history and the future of the body, of all bodies, the wound happens throughout the times [...] The wound in its entanglements is our bodies as the embodiment of past decisions, of more, of consequences as rainfall and rivers and veins. We have no choice but to ingest.”