Continuing her acrylic and flashe painting series titled Standing Between Two Worlds from 2021, this site-specific, newly commissioned mural draws inspiration from the idea of blueprints as future-gazing documents depicting a modern reality yet to be fully actualized. Dannielle Tegeder’s paintings draw on the idiom of technical drawing used by draughtsmen to visualize the structure of HVAC, plumbing, and electrical systems. Adopting this language of form, connection, and flow, Tegeder’s paintings allude to the hidden relationships within the technosphere that sustain human lives on earth. In Tegeder’s wall paintings–a prominent part of her practice for the last 15 years–painting directly on architectural surfaces challenges the unity and self-containment of gallery spaces by referencing an ecological relationship between inside and outside and making visible transversal psychic forces that touch upon both utopian imaginaries and the spiritual or divine realm. Tegeder’s site-specific wall painting for the Blackwood Gallery draws on her experiments in world-building schema to meditate on linkages between the technosphere, the biosphere, body systems and the spiritual. Refracting across scale from the cellular to planetary infrastructure to the beyond, Tegeder’s Secret Universe Body Plan with Chemical Circulatory Silver Lines, Color Classification, and Shape Organs proposes a system that analogizes the wall to the skin, making barriers porous and inscribing system on surface. Questioning the relationship between biology, appearance, identity, the urban, and structures for healing resonates with Tegeder’s interest in dismantling the male Modernist canon. Tegeder counters the silencing of women’s voices–enforced along lines traced by biological determinism–and opens new, polyvalent spaces for liberating art history and the symbiotic systems trapped within the technosphere.