This artwork is a continuation of the artist's ongoing photographic series, which focuses on personal narratives. During a trip to the outskirts of Mexico City with falconer friends, Miguel Calderón encountered a surreal scene – a snake with its head stuck in a beer can, slithering across a semi-deserted landscape. The photograph raises questions about the snake's strange behaviour, with one theory suggesting that a mouse might have been lured into the can by the beer, subsequently falling asleep and becoming an unintentional bait for the snake. However, when the can was opened, nothing was found, leaving room for speculation about the snake's motivation – perhaps it was simply bored. Caledron’s image presents a scene where the snake's fate is both astonishing and derisive. It constitutes an allegory of modern humanity’s drive toward self-destructive behaviours and an ironic statement on the modern distinction between nature and culture.
Miguel Calderón's image is presented on a public billboard in Mississauga. It appears on Brittania Road East, west of Dixie Road, south side, facing east.