This workshop supports the creation of Parade On Your Rain, a performative “float” for QUIET PARADE, which playfully reinvents a marching band as a rainstorm that moves across space. Led by UTM/Sheridan faculty member Rhonda Weppler and collaborator Trevor Mahovsky, participants will be invited to create instruments using tin cans, cardboard tubes and other household materials, to create raindrop tins, rain sticks, stream nail boards and water drop wobble boards. Participants will make instruments and then rehearse them in a larger group. Participants in the workshop are invited to join the band performing in QUIET PARADE on September 18 on University of Toronto Missisauga Campus.
The Blackwood Gallery is located on the ground floor of the Innovation Complex, which includes open spaces, round sloped corners, and windows to facilitate visual communication and navigation. Accessible multi-user gendered washrooms are located at ground level. The Blackwood Gallery is accessible to people who use mobility devices, with doorways measuring over 32” wide. All entrances at ground floor level to both buildings are equipped with power-assisted doors. ASL interpretation is available upon request with one week notice; please email [email protected].